Sunday, May 26, 2013

Venipede Crochet Plush Pattern

Super cute angry little caterpillar baby, pattern and more pics after the jump!

I'm so glad I finally finished this one! I had a bunch of burgundy yarn laying around I wanted to use up and I realized it was the perfect color for Venipede! To be honest I've had almost all the pieces done for almost 6 months, just sitting in the closet. So today I finally made the last few bits and sewed the thing together, yay! As always, enjoy and let me know if you have any questions at all!

The finished plush is about a foot and a half long and 8 or 9 inches tall.

(c) Kim Novak 2013

The following pattern was written and designed by me and is copyrighted. You may not sell or reproduce this pattern in any way. Do not claim this pattern or plush as your own design. You may not sell this pattern. You may not sell what you make from this pattern. Please respect this, I spent a very long time designing this plush and pattern, there is a great deal of effort and love put into this. Thank you very much for your understanding.

Read pattern carefully before starting, particularly the instructions at the beginning of the pattern. There are also many tips throughout the pattern that will help you when making different pieces, be sure to read those too!
* Burgundy/dark red yarn
*Green yarn

*Black yarn

*Small amount gold/yellow yarn

*Large yarn needle for sewing pieces together
*A chopstick or similar object is helpful when stuffing small objects, not required
*G hook and F hook
*Straight pins for pining pieces on before sewing them on
Note: there is no gauge for this pattern. The only thing that is important is that you have a tight stitch when crocheting so that no stuffing will show through the finished pieces. If you use the recommended hooks it should be fine but if you are someone who crochets more loosely you may want to reduce the hook size accordingly.
This pattern is worked in rounds (unless otherwise noted) and uses the following techniques/abbreviations:
Sc- single crochet
inc- increase
dec- decrease, particularly you should use the invisible decrease if you know how to do it
sc in each sc- single crochet in each single crochet, don't add any increases or decreases
R- round or row
Repeat (*)- repeat what is between the asterisks * until you come to the end of the round, unless otherwise indicated
ring- magic ring. If you cannot do this technique then you may substitute this: ch 2 and sc however many were supposed to go in the ring into the second ch. However this will leave a small hole in the piece, this is why the magic ring is preferred, it leaves no visible hole. Many tutorials on how to do the magic ring are available online.
The numbers in parenthesis at the end of each row are the number of stitches you should have when that row is done. Mark the start of each round with a marker and move this marker as you complete rows.
All pieces (unless otherwise indicated) are worked with TWO strands of yarn together. You may do this by taking the strand on the outside of the skien and the one which comes from the inside of the skien together. Crochet with two strands the same way you would crochet if you had only one. This will yield a bigger plush faster and with less effort than crocheting with only one strand. This pattern has not been tested for only one strand and pieces such as the eyes would need to be adjusted for size on your own.
 Imp note for anything pointed like the tail, feet, or antennas: if they don't look pointy, try turning it inside out. Make sure the right side of the crochet is facing out at all times!
All pieces are made with G hook and TWO STRANDS of yarn unless otherwise indicated.

Body (Start with Burgundy with G hood and 2 strands of yarn)
You will be starting from the tip of the tail
Round 1- 7 sc in ring (7)
R2- 2 inc spaced out evenly in the round, sc in rest of sc (9)
R3-2 inc spaced out evenly in the round, sc in rest of sc (11)
R4- 2 inc spaced out evenly in the round, sc in rest of sc(13)
R5- 2 inc spaced out evenly in the round, sc in rest of sc (15)
R6- 2 inc spaced out evenly in the round, sc in rest of sc (17)
R7- 2 inc spaced out evenly in the round, sc in rest of sc (18)
R8- 2 inc spaced out evenly in the round, sc in rest of sc (22)
R9- 3 inc spaced out evenly in the round, sc in rest of sc (25) Change to green yarn now
R10- 2 inc spaced out evenly in the round, sc in rest of sc (27)
R11- 2 inc spaced out evenly in the round, sc in rest of sc (29)
R12- 2 inc spaced out evenly in the round, sc in rest of sc (31)
R13- 2 inc spaced out evenly in the round, sc in rest of sc (33)
R14-16- sc in each sc (33)
R17- 3 inc spaced out evenly in the round, sc in rest of sc (36)
R18- sc in each sc (36)
R19- 3 inc spaced out evenly in the round, sc in rest of sc (39)
R20- 2 inc spaced out evenly in the round, sc in rest of sc (41)
R21- 2 inc spaced out evenly in the round, sc in rest of sc (43)
R22- 2 inc spaced out evenly in the round, sc in rest of sc (45)
R23- 3 inc spaced out evenly in the round, sc in rest of sc (48)
R24- 2 inc spaced out evenly in the round, sc in rest of sc (50)
R25-29- sc in each sc (50) change back to red now
R30- sc in next 25 sc then *4 sc, inc* (55) You are placing 5 increases just in one side of the piece, this makes the sort of hump part of his back.
R31- sc in next 27 sc then * 5sc, inc* increase in last sc of round (60)
R32- sc in next 30 sc then *5 sc, inc* (65)
R33- sc in next 33 sc then *5 sc, inc* sc in last 2 stitches (70)
R34-45- sc in each sc (70)
R46- sc in next 33 sc then *5 sc, dec* sc in last 2 stitches (65)
R47- sc in next 30 sc then *5 sc, dec* (60)
R48- sc in next 27 sc then * 5sc, dec* at the last 4sc in the round, dec 2 times (54)
R49- *7sc, dec* (48)
R50- *6sc, dec* (42)
R51- *5sc, dec* (36) start stuffing and continue as you go, stuff pretty firmly
R52- *4sc, dec* (30)
R53- *3s, dec* (24)
R54- *2sc, dec* (18)
R55- *sc, dec* (12)
R56- *Dec* (6)
Finish off and sew hole shut.

Head (make 1 in black with G hook and 2 strands)
R1- 6 sc in ring (6)
R2- *inc* (12)
R3- *sc, inc* (18)
R4- *2sc, inc* (24)
R5- *3sc, inc* (30)
R6- *4sc, inc* (36)
R7-13 - sc in each sc (36)
R14- *4sc, dec* (30)
Finish off, leave long tail for sewing.

Top of head part (make one in red with G hook and 2 strands)
This is sort of like a cap that sits on the head, will be sewn on later
R1- 6 sc in ring (6)
R2- *inc* (12)
R3- *sc, inc* (18)
R4- *2sc, inc* (24)
R5- *3sc, inc* (30)
R6- *4sc, inc* (36)
R7-8 - sc in each sc (36)
Finish off and leave long tail for sewing.

Legs (make 8 in black with G hook and 2 strands)
If these don't look pointy, try turning them inside out!
R1- 4sc in ring (4)
R2- 2 inc evenly spaced, sc in rest of sc (6)
R3- 3 inc evenly spaced, sc in rest of sc (9)
R4-3 inc evenly spaced, sc in rest of sc (12)
R5- 2 inc evenly spaced, sc in rest of sc (14)
R6-8- sc in each sc (14)
Finish off, leave long tail for sewing. Stuff firmly

Curvy/side part of neck/collar thing (make 2 in black with one strand of yarn and F hook)
You are making two of these, one for each side, they'll get sewn on so it looks like one piece though. The first row is sewn just above the head, see pictures for more help.
 We're working in rows now!
Row 1- ch 4, sc in 2nd ch from hook and all other chs (3)
R2-14 ch 1 and turn,  sc in each sc (3)
R15- ch 1 and turn, dec and sc (2)
R16-  ch1 and turn, sc in each sc (2)
R17- ch 1 and turn, dec (1)
Finish off, leave long tail for sewing. One of these goes on each side of the 'neck' later.

Top/triangle part of neck/collar thing (make 1 in black with one strand of yarn and F hook)
Row 1- ch 6, sc in 2nd ch from hook and each ch after (5)
R2-3- ch 1 and turn, sc in each sc (5)
R4- ch 1, turn, dec, sc in rest (4)
R5- ch 1, turn, dec, sc in rest (3)
R6 ch 1, turn, sc in each sc (3)
R7-  ch 1, turn, dec, sc in rest (2)
R8- ch 1, turn sc in each sc (2)
R9- ch 1, turn, dec (1)
Finish off, leave tail for sewing. This part will go just above the head, above the curved band part of the collar, see pics for more help

Shoulder circles (make 2 in black with one strand of yarn and F hook)
Round 1- chain 30 and slip stitch to join with first chain to make a circle. Crochet around (30 scs total)
R2- *4sc, inc* (36)
Finish off and leave long tail for sewing.

Head antenna (make 2 starting w/ burgundy with G hook and 2 strands of yarn)
Stuff as you go and stuff fimly
Round 1- 4 sc in ring (4)
R2- inc, sc in rest (5)
R3- 2 inc evenly spaced, sc in rest of sc (7)
R4- 2 inc evenly spaced, sc in rest of sc (9)
R5-14- sc in each sc (9)
R15- 3 inc evenly spaced, sc in rest of sc (12)
R16- sc in each sc (12) change to black yarn now
R17- 4 inc evenly spaced, sc in rest of sc  (16)
R18-23- sc in each sc (16) change to red
R24- sc in each sc (16)
R25- 4 dec evenly spaced, sc in rest of sc (12)
R26- sc in each sc (12)
R27- 2 dec evenly spaced, sc in rest of sc (10)
R28-29- sc in each sc (10)
R30- 3 dec evenly spaced, sc in rest of sc (7)
R31-33- sc in each sc  (7)
Sew closed and leave long tail for sewing.

Tail antenna (make 2 starting w/ red and using G hook and 2 strands of yarn)
Stuff firmly as you go
Round 1- 4 sc in ring (4)
R2- inc, sc in rest (5)
R3- 2 inc evenly spaced, sc in rest of sc (7)
R4-6- sc in each sc (7)
R7- 2 inc evenly spaced, sc in rest of sc (9)
R8-9- sc in each sc (9) change to black after round 9
R10-11- sc in each sc (9)
R12- 3 inc evenly spaced, sc in rest of sc (12)
R13-15- sc in each sc (12)
R16- 3 dec evenly spaced, sc in rest of sc (9) change to red
R17-19- sc in each sc (9)
R20- 2 dec evenly spaced, sc in rest of sc (7)
R21- sc in each sc (7)
Sew shut and leave long tail for sewing

Eye (make 2 in yellow with one strand and F hook)
R1- 6sc in ring
R2- inc in each sc (12)
R3- *sc, inc * (18)
R4- *2sc, inc* (24)
R5- *3 sc, inc* (30)
R6- *4sc, inc* (36)
R7-10- Sc in each sc (36)
finish off, leave long tail for sewing on later

Eyelid (make 2 in burgundy with F hook, 1 strand)
Do not form into a full circle, you're working in a sort of half circle so that this can be put over top of the eye like an eyelid. 
Work in rows.
Row1- 3 sc in ring, ch 1 and turn (3)
Row 2- *inc* ch 1 and turn (6)
R3- *sc, inc*, ch 1 and turn (9)
R4- * 2 sc, inc*, ch 1 and turn (12)
R5- *3 sc, inc*, ch 1 and turn (15)
R6- *4sc, inc*, ch 1 and turn (18)
R7-11-  sc in each sc (18)
Finish off, leave tail for sewing

Nose/beak thing (make 1 in red with 1 strand of yarn and F hook)
Worked in rows. when you sew it on you can leave the bottom or point of the triangle free if you want and just sew across the base of the triangle.
Row1- ch 9, sc in 2nd ch from hook and every one after (8)
R2- dec, sc 4, dec (6)
R3- sc in each sc (6)
R4- dec, sc 2, dec (4)
R5- sc in each sc (4)
R6- dec, dec (2)
R7- dec (1)
Leave tail for sewing

Assembly order:
Here's how I did it, hopefully this helps you since there's a lot of parts. Use the pictures to help
  1. Sew head to body
  2. embroider rings around green part of body if you want to
  3. sew red part to top of head
  4. embroider eyes on yellow part of eyes
  5. sew eyelid to yellow part of eye
  6. sew eyes to head. Try sewing along the eyelid first then putting stuffing under it, then sew across yellow part
  7. sew nose/beak to face
  8. sew on neck markings, one on each side then sew on triangle part on the top
  9. sew legs to body. Start at the front. put the plush on a flat table and use this to help you decide where the legs should go. Pin on the left and right front legs at the same time to make sure it looks even. Keep working backward doing the left and right in pairs until they are all done.
  10. sew on shoulder circles
  11. sew on tail antenna
  12. sew on head antenna

Detail of collar thingy


  1. Hey there. I just completed this pattern and holy cow is it bigger than I expected. I never crochet with two strands before so it was certainly a new experience. Thank you so much for the pattern. I enjoy the new addition to my plushie army very much.

    1. I'm glad you liked it! Yeah it did kind of turn out huge/life size, I never really liked making small plushies, larger parts are easier to sew and work with ect. Plus the huge ones are like $100 on ebay and being able to make one for <$10 is a great feeling! Keep building your plush army! ^_^ Thanks again!

  2. This is awesome! I can't crochet that great :'( I have only learnt chain and double crochet. Is single crochet basically the same as double crochet?

    1. Single crochet is a little like double, if you can do double I know you'll be able to figure out single, don't worry! Here's a link that may help:
      If you've never worked in the round before you may also want to try an easy pattern before doing Venipede, try this pokeball pattern:
      Good luck and have fun!

    2. Is there a video that could help me with magic ring too? Thanks for the links! I really want to learn crochet so I can make heaps of Pokemon! I love your patterns! yes, I have never worked in a round!

    3. Here's one I found, it's a little confusing to learn at first so you may want to google others and other tutorials, have fun!

  3. It seems to me that double crochet you wrap the hook before actually starting the stitch! I think I have been doing single crochet all along! Do you have to go into the 4th chain from the hook with double crochet?

    1. Yeah sounds like you were doing single! Usually for double you go into the 3rd or 4th chain from the hook, for single you go into the 2nd ch from the hook, hope that helps!

  4. Yep! So it doesn't matter if you go into the third or 4th?

    1. It doesn't generally matter but if the pattern specifies then go with that

    2. I am not sure with the 2 increases spaced out evenly in the row. So I can put them wherever I want because the pattern doesn't specify where it should go. Other patterns Like Woldreamers say where it goes. just wondering

    3. It just means you can put them wherever in the row you want, just not right next to each other. Its also good if you can make sure they're not next to the increases from the last row either. For a cone shape it doesn't matter too much where the increases go, just not next to each other if that makes sense? Hope that helps!

  5. Could you pretty please do a Lucario one because he is my favourite! Please make him look awesome like this one

    I hope you do him like that one someday! Bizzy's one is ok but I think if you did him like the pictured one then yours would look so cool!

    1. Sorry I don't take requests since I have so little time for crochet, I hope you understand. I've actually made Bizzy's lucario, I like her pattern a lot! I changed the eyes though if I remember right? You could try that, often times if I don't like a plush style I change how the eyes look and that will make all the difference. You can try making eyes out of felt too! Hope this helps, best of luck! ^_^

    2. ok maybe I will try hers sometime. I find the legs a little skinny and the ears to short and flat how can i fix that? Thanks for commenting so soon too.

    3. I have an idea of working in the round with the ears and experimenting with the legs maybe that would work!

    4. If you want the legs bigger just add some increases, for ears that are too short, just add some extra rows! Experiment and play around with shapes till you have it how you want ^_^

    5. Thank you for the encouragement!! I will definitely try! your Venipede is very close to life size as another person said which is cool!

  6. How many balls of reddish yarn does this guy take?


    1. I'm not super sure as I was trying to use up this giant skein of yarn, I'd guess 2 or 3 regular size skeins (Red heart brand size)

    2. Damn! My crochet hook broke. That totally sucks it was only a plastic one i guess i should start the search for the missing crochet hooks of mine...

    3. That really sucks, all mine are metal otherwise I think I would have broken them too by now! If you end up needing to buy one I really suggest one of the ones that has like a wood handle thing around the metal part, it really reduces hand pain/stress

  7. Woohoo! I found my metal crochet hook!

  8. I really don't want to have to use double of my yarn which is depleting, can I use one strand?

    1. You can use one but you will need to alter any patterns that call for just one strand like the eyes, eyelids ect as they won't be the right size. I was trying to use up a bunch of burgundy yarn when I made this so I wasn't concerned w/using up a lot of yarn >_<;

    2. Oh ok! I think I will use two strands and see how I go!

  9. Hey there! you're pattern is amazing and I love it! This is my first real big project in crochet, (the sewing part is sooo boring) so I want to thank you for this and to show you my very own Venipede!


  10. I hope this message is seen after all these years but I'm struggling with the pattern. For the beginning, I can't seem to get the same amount of stitches at the end as stated. It says 2inc spread evenly and SC the rest, so an I doing something wrong with the placement of the inc or am I reading it wrong?

    1. Hi! I also had some trouble with that at the beginning. You increase twice per row (unless stated otherwise) but I think there is a typo on R7 that takes the entire piece from odd total stitches to even total stitches. What I did was follow the total number of stitches listed because the final row of that section is an even number, 50.
      And when placing the increases around the rows I tried to put them in varying spots so it would make the form more rounded, usually by placing them on opposite ends from eachother, then changing the spot of my increase and doing it again on the opposite side. It was sort of random placement, I just increased where I felt the form looked a little flat and then increased again when I made it to the other side
      Hope this helps!!
